Comficare provide a comprehensive range of care services for older people across the Bideford and Barnstaple areas.
Established in 1989 and Care Quality Commission registered, Comficare Limited serves people in the community, providing quality assured comprehensive domiciliary care service for the elderly, convalescent and disabled in the comfort of your own home.
Comficare Limited are a private company and NOT an agency. Our staff are NVQ 2/3/4 trained and fully insured. Our trained, friendly and reliable staff can provide the hours you require, tailored to suit your own needs.
The care provided by us takes into account the needs and wishes of each individual client and maximises independence. Physical and emotional welfare are of paramount importance.
We pride ourselves on providing quality support to people of all ages, making it possible for them to be cared for in their own homes for as long as possible.
We currently have roles to fill for a Community Care Worker... apply now
Providing homecare across Bideford and North Devon
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